Playbill Venues aims to operate:
- Operate Incident and injury free in whatever we do
- Achieve worlds best practice in sustainable environmental management
- Establish and maintain a truly safe and healthy working environment for all our employees, visitors and people who do business with us.
- Encourage Event Producers/Promoters and their contractors to embrace the PV WH&S practices as “best practice”
- The responsibility for achieving all of these aims rests squarely with all PV employees.
The senior management team has a particular responsibility to ensure:
- WH&S plans are established
- An appropriately skilled WH&S manager is proactively managing all WH&S aspects of events and operations
- All employees receive regular training in WH&S matters relevant to their role
- WH&S performance of regular events is recorded & analysed
- Details of incidents & injuries are forwarded to all parties necessary
- Safe work procedures are reviewed and continually updated
- External consultation with industry groups & associations is maintained to keep abreast of change
- WH&S matters form an integral part of business plans and strategies
- There is a consultation process in place where employees are able to raise WH&S issues
- All relevant legislation is complied with
- Proactively work with all PV stakeholders including clients, contractors and the workforce to make this a reality
PV employees and event producers/contractors are responsible for:
- Fulfilling their commitments to WH&S
- Completing the PV online safety induction
- Adhering to the PV WH&S plan as defined in the safety booklet
- Adhering to the policies and procedures outlined in the induction and safety booklet
- Following documented safe work methods when working in our venues
- Reporting hazards or accidents correctly
- Ensuring that their conduct does not endanger others